With a background in photojournalism my approach to wedding photography is all about telling the story of your wedding day and capturing moments. For me it's the young girls expression which makes this image, she is clearly having a great time during the evening disco.
I don't mind admitting that there is an element of good fortune in creating an image like this as while I had anticipated the moment, I am actually holding the camera above my head with it angled downwards so as to take in the scene. The combination of an ultra wide angle lens held high and close to the subject creates a dynamic view of the scene with the girl very much in the foreground of the image.
I love the fact that you can't help but smile when you look at this wedding photograph.
Info: Canon 7D, Sigma 10mm, ISO 1000, 1/20 Sec, f5.6
Reportage wedding photography by Cheshire based PK Photography.