I was kindly invited by Sara of The Bridal Lounge in Cheshire and Niamh of Beautifix Cheshire to provide photography for a wedding photo shoot at nearby Nunsmere Hall in Northwich, a beautiful, local wedding venue for me and an ideal location for a wedding styled shoot.
Nunsmere Hall provided many opportunities for photographs both indoors and outdoors using the trees and the colourful flower beds to create a mix of backdrops to illustrate Sara's stunning dresses modelled by Jenny and Nicola. I also shot a number of portraits and close up images to demonstrate the professional wedding style hair and make up created by Chloe of Style Me in Cuddington and Niamh of Beautifix.
I couldn't resist filming part of the hair and make up process to create one of my behind the scenes photo-films offering an insight as we prepare for the shoot. I'm really pleased with the results and it makes such a difference to my photography to have skilled professionals to work with. I must also say thank you to Jenny and Nicola and the helpful staff at Nunsmere Hall.
As I am based in Frodsham, Nunsmere Hall is a wonderful wedding venue only 20 minutes away so if you are considering Nunsmere Hall as your choice of wedding venue then I would be love the opportunity to photograph your wedding there. Please contact me on 07969 054778 or email: info@paulkyte.co.uk and to see more examples of my work visit: www.paulkytephotography.com
Dresses: www.thebridallounge.co.uk
Make Up: Beautifix Cheshire
Hair: www.styleme.uk.com
Photography: www.paulkytephotography.com
Location: www.nunsmere.co.uk
Models: Jenny and Nicola